I've been fascinated with the topic of 'Genius'. Ever since I can remember I've read everything I could lay my hands on regarding the development of people with special abilities. Especially mental abilities. One that has stood out to me was a memoir of the parents of a genius level child. I've read this many years ago but I can remember the general outline of this story. In the Lifehacker article , the contention is made that it's the environment in which such people are raised that creates their 'genius'. If my memory serves me, and it usually does, the child in this particular memoir came from an average house. The father worked in a technical vocation and the mother devoted the same time to this child as she did to her others. Yet, the 'genius' child, expressed himself faster and far more eloquently than his siblings. He had the same upbringing and environment as his brothers and sisters, yet excelled. He read copiously at an earlier age than...
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