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Showing posts from December, 2015

Jacob Zuma and the Finance Minister

Working in a bank has it's ups and downs.  You get used to that. Then you work in a bank in South Africa and you realize that the downs can bee a 18% free fall on the value of your bank. We have been working diligently to grow our bank and by some amazing grace from God we have managed to get some pretty amazing things done.  Then the populist president, inserted by the revolutionist party goes and does the unthinkable. He replaces the minister of finance, at a whim. Yes, he explained it. But only after he got his ass held over the fire and them some lame excuse of deploying Mr Nene in another position. Which Mr President, doesn't explain the nobody, without a track record you shoved into his position. The ANC must recall Mr Zuma, like they demonstrated they  can and will do with Mr Mbeki and replace him. Why wait. To see if he can destroy the country further? Yes, JZ. Your King is not impressed with your actions.  Business Day Live - Stuart Theobald...

Road under construction - Detour Ahead

Don't you just hate these signs. Detours. Whether they are in the road on the way to work, or home, or on your way to your holiday destination. Even in everyday life these detours happen. I'm sitting at the moment, under the apricot tree in the back yard. It's summer and there is a nice cool breeze blowing. Why am I outside? Simple. A teenager has taken over the space where I normally write. I've just started to get this free loader called procrastination under control, when my brother dropped his two kids off to visit the grand parents. Ah, well. My newest detour. At least the change of scenery doesn't seem to have affected the writer in me. Been scribbling in my notebook, mostly venting about work. I've also picked up another of my purchases from Writer's Digest. A book by Elizabeth Sims called "You've got a book in you" Now, for most people the title would not stand out. But for us writers, this is like a flame to a moth. It drew me in. Ca...

Making my way to Schenectady

It has been a while since I actively wrote. We'll that is a lie. I've started a novell and a TV Drama. Both are stuck at a spot where I need to discipline myself into researching it, working my way around a block, or simply just making time to write. Tonight I grabbed some of the books I purchased from Writer's Digest. The one 'Where do you get your ideas?' by Fred White and 'The Writer's Idea Book' by Jack Heffron. Granted both have been lying on a shelf with the rest of the purchase, which I am ashamed to say are market books for 2013! Yeah. Procrastination I am your master, or are you mine. I did a quick scan down the table of contents on both. Selected the Chapter 11 from the 'The Writers Idea Book' - Creating a short story from a news paper report. I read the first bit, got to the check list then skimmed along. I postponed that writing to tomorrow ... well the proper reading of that chapter and applying it. So why am I writing this? Jack...