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Acts Online – Home

For thoes South Africans, that feel that they are continuously taken advantage of, by business, government, and well-meaning but misinformed family members and friends, here is an online resource where you can have a look at the different Acts on the South African books. Acts Online – Home : ‘via Blog this.'
Recent posts

AARTO facts – everything you need to know about AARTO – in one place

Here is the website run by JPSA where you can find more to the point information on the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences… the government run one, is not clear and seems to muddy the waters even more. As the maintainers of this website ask, do not take your frustrations out on them. Your frustration is with an inept government. Save your fight for them. AARTO facts – everything you need to know about AARTO – in one place : ‘via Blog this.'

In Case of Emergency

In the world we live in, it has become customary to complain about your life. Well, that is what it would seem to be, to any intelligent race that lands on the planet. Just open your ears and listen to the people around you. It’s hard to find anyone upbeat about anything anymore and should you be upbeat, then they lay the beat down on you. For as sure as tomorrow will come, they will have a stupendous amount of reasons why you shouldn’t be happy. Now, I ask you: “Why the hell not?” Why shouldn’t you be happy? Ignore the stress and worries for the day, because you can always worry tomorrow. If tomorrow doesn’t come, then at least you didn’t waste your today on worrying about something that would not come. I know I am a worry wart. It seems to be expected. At work, everyone passes their worries on to you, then seem surprised when you just listen, nod wisely, and carry on. Why take on someone else’ burdens when you have so many of your own to carry. Grab your coat. Grab your hat. Leave ...

Alone Time Is Good For Us, Research Says

Alone Time Is Good For Us, Research Says : 'via Blog this' I don't know about you, but I enjoy my alone time. Never needed a study to confirm it but the above article actually does and introduced me to a new term 'social loafing'. Always thought that was what happened and now there is a term, from as far back as the 1900 to describe it.

Calitzdorp - Smoking Pipe

Today I had some time on my hands, and decided to check in on this website. I've bought a Afrika wood pipe from EbenHarts in 2008 and still smoke it. It's a heavy pipe. Solid in the hand. Not one you want to clamp down on though. Unless you like spending time in the dentist chair. It's with great joy and a little grump (hate the exchange rate) that I looked over the pipes on the site again. There are some seriously beautiful pipes here. Some, in fact, I don't think you'd want to smoke. I hope to soon see sold on all these pipes and a new batch of remarkable creations to sit and drool over. Sterkte met die pyp maak en ek hoop:  'hulle verkoop so lekker, want hulle rook so lekker.' cheap : 'via Blog this'

Road under Construction - Detour Ahead...

It's been longer than I intended since I've updated this post. Today I grabbed my trusty Kindle reader and started in on a book titled " How to Get Ideas " by Jack Foster and Larry Corby . What a surprise when the first chapter is titled " Have Fun ".  Coincidentally with this, I've read the ICAS desk drop (it's an email on personal wellness, diet, work life balance etc.) wherein the TED talk of Caroline McHugh was discussed - it too arrived today. How you need to find your true self and stop being who the world wants you to be. How do they relate? Simple: fun ! If you are currently, where you are, whether it be your work, life, family, friends, whatever, and you are not having fun in each, then you are not being you. You are being something you where never meant to be. It's something I'm struggling with. For thirty years I've been working in computers, processing data, putting up with, well everyone. It all has me wondering is t...

10 Ways To Hack Into Your Happy Brain Chemicals

10 Ways To Hack Into Your Happy Brain Chemicals Life gets busy. 2016 for us in South Africa is going to be tough. Emotional black mail and black mail in general is a socially acceptable way to deny some their constitutional rights. So take a read above and stick it to all those office clones that make your day hell. All those wannabes on the roads that can't drive to safe their lives (it's been one of those days). So, to quote Bobby McFarren: "Don't worry. Be Happy."