On my other blog, The Eclectic Attick, I’ve started tracking my writing exercises. I’ve challenged myself, to writing 200 words per day on a range of topics. These I’ll pick from writing prompt books, since I’m just not that creative on demand. I hope this will improve as the exercises improve. I am hoping to fulfill a promise made to my language teachers in high school. You see whenever they set a writing assignment with a set limit of words, I would always exceed that limit with a wide merging and then argue the point that I could not possibly shorten the piece. That every word was where it needed to be to support the sentence and every sentence did it’s job to support the story. Yeah, right. I just loved spinning a yarn. Stories. Imagination. Oh, how much fun this can be.
When you can take a number of letters, pluck a word or ten from the ether, and string them along into a sentence. Then take this sentences and shuffle them on the page until you start pulling from the blankness an image of a world, people, places and situations that no one has seen yet. Get you interested in these people and their lives. Their thoughts and desires. The stuff that they do every day, and have you turn the page, push the page down key, wanting to know more and more. Will he ask her? What will her answer be? Will het mother find out? What will her father say? Will she go to the grave after? What will she tell the head stone with the chipped corner? Perhaps you should stop by the eclectic attic and see for yourself?
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