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Six toes feet

How often do you see this

Spaar 'n gedagte...

Sanral het wraggies nou sy beste skrikmaakmasker opgesit maar, blykbaar is daar meer mense wat geskrik het vir Elsabe Zietsman toe sy haar klere begin uittrek het as vir hierdie patetiese spul. Sien, die nuutste is dat as jy onder een van Sentraal Transvaal se nuwe diskoligte deurry, en die enigste skyfies in jou motor is slap skyfies, Simba-skyfies of jou lisensieskyfie, dan begin die tyd aftel. Die bewering is dat jy dan onder druk behoort te verkeer omdat jy net sewe dae het om die rekening te betaal! Maar spaar ‘n gedagte vir arme Siphiwe wat met die rekeninge werk. Die probleem is dat jy nie weet wat jou rekening is nie, so die druk is op Siphiwe om die rekening by jou te kry binne sewe dae, maar die probleme is legio. Eerstens leef ons in ‘n land waar die onderwysers (wat grade verwerf het by universiteite…wel sommige van hulle) nou toetse moet skryf om hul bevoegdheid in hul eie vakke te bewys. Hoe goed kan Siphiwe se opleiding dan wees, wat aangestel is op grond van sy ...

Lion Park

The heart-stopping moment when a lion calmly padded up to a car on safari... and pulled open the door w ith a 300lb lion in the offing, the couple visiting the safari park could at least console themselves that they had the protection of their car. They watched in glee as the big cat padded up to their white Toyota. Then fascination turned to terror as the creature calmly took the rear-door handle between its teeth ... and pulled it open.   Curiosity: The lion ambles up to the white Toyota and tries the door handle . Now let me get a good grip: The lion puts its jaws around the handle I'm sure I can get in here: The lion starts to open the door of the car Open sesame: It tugs open the door leaving the occupants sitting in stunned disbelief before they drive off   Outta here: The lion looks on as the car it was trying to get into zooms away For several seconds the car remained immobile as its occupants sat in stunned disbelief. Then...

Gauteng Tollroad

Editor's note: Excuse my middle class tendencies The Gauteng e-tolling debate is picking up pace again and it seems as if the South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) and government are scrambling to spin the benefits of the controversial system any which way they can. Even if what they are saying is completely preposterous –more so than before. Just recently, the state-owned roads agency lashed out at e-toll critics, saying that the system ultimately favours the poor and that Gauteng's middle-class will ultimately bear most of the cost. According to Sanral, "government's commitment to the poor and its continuing attempts to shield the poor and the workers from even more price hikes can best be exemplified by the fact that the highest earning quintile will bear 94% of the toll fees and when the second quintile is added, this figure goes up to 99%". ...

Caught Chucks dog in the game park...

Road side assistance

I'm telling you Mort, it doesn't have enough horse-power...

Doggie-door - not always used for what you think

Are these two making a run for it, or is the one trying to apprehend the fleeing felon. It's photo's like this that make me feel sorry for parents with twins.


Even the animal kingdom can sometimes get too much.... Bet a lot of A-listers wish they could look this cute while getting a close-up...

Obama comes a visiting

President Obama is coming. What should be just another day in our lives is turning into a big production number. Even my gym is getting in on it, in that I now need to have positive picture ID when visiting the gym. Obama heads to Africa amid Mandela gloom (via @News24)

66 Years after Hiroshima... which is better off, Hiroshima or Detroit

  66 years later ! What  happened to the radiation that lasts thousands of years? HIROSHIMA   1945 We all know that  Hiroshima and  Nagasaki   were destroyed in August 1945 after the explosion of atomic bombs. However, we know little about the progress made by the people of that land  during the past 65 years. HIROSHIMA - 65 YEARS LATER DETROIT- 65  YEARS AFTER  HIROSHIMA What has caused more long term destruction- the  A-bomb , or Government welfare programs created to buy the votes of those who want someone to take care of them ? Japan does not have a welfare system. Work for it or do without. These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and all applicable to this experiment: 1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. 2. What one person receives without working for, another person m...

zen habits - why you write everyday

I've come across this very informative blog post, from a government worker named Leo Babauta. His blog is titled Zen Habits and here he explains how writing everyday causes you to think about what you are doing, who you are, what you contribute. It shows you how to crystalize your emotions by putting them on paper. Even if you are writing only for one person. zenhabits : 'via Blog this'

Zemanta and Blogger... what a combination

I have been blogging on my WordPress site for some time and using Zemanta on it for a while. What a joy it is to find that it is available on my Blogger blog as well. It's hands down the best tool to get help in a blog and add value to your blog - well quoted and giving proper credit to the elements, images and text you use. I can recommend this. If you know of any draw backs to using Zemanta then please leave a comment on this blog... I'm using Chrome for my blogging and some offline software as well, but I can recommend the plugins,  both in Chrome and in Firefox. Related articles Zemanta

GOD has a sense of humour?

GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR A woman received a call that her daughter was sick. She stopped by the pharmacy to get medication, got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys inside. The woman found an old rusty coat hanger left on the ground. She looked at it and said "I don't know how to use this." She bowed her head and asked God to send her HELP. Within 5 minutes a beat up old motorcycle pulled up. A bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag. The man got off of his cycle and asked if he could help. She said: "Yes, my daughter is sick. I’ve locked my keys in my car. I must get home. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?" He said "Sure." He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car was open. She hugged the man and through tears said "Thank You SO Much! You are a very nice man." The man replied "Lady, I am NOT a nice man. I just got out of PRISO...

If kids came with a maintenance plan?

What if kids came with a maintenance plan,  like your car.  What would such a plan contain? What would it exclude? What would the wording be? Could you get the luxury model that includes college, or the general one that covers high school and an entry level job?  What about the budget one? It comes with fries and work experience in a service industry!

Old books...

I have been an avid reader all my life and don't see stopping anytime soon. I love going to our local public library. I love the big wooden door you had to lean back on to get it moving. Finally the big door would move and the smell of books, leather and wood would hit like a physical sensation. There they were. Stacks and stacks of books. From simple books for the little ones, to detailed picture books on how it's done. Rows and rows of encyclopedias and even more books in the reference section. Books so important, that you could only read them in that hallowed hall that was the library. Never, ever, was a reference book allowed to leave the glory of the library. I loved the soft springy feel of the leather clad floors and the pressed ceiling high above. Slowly trolling down shelf upon shelf to find the books that you loved reading. Just checking that no one did them harm since I last took them home. Then it's the slow dance of pulling a book with an enticing title dow...

Now we wait...

The problem has been fixed. The car is working again. I can spend to hart content on the very expensive fuel, and wait for the refund of these expenses from the garage where the problem occurred. Anyone else had this happen to them?

Life quotes

“The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do.” - Unknown

Unleaded fuel in my diesel car...

My Easter long weekend got of to a disastrous start. English: Ten-bay gas bar on interstate highway in northeastern United States. The pumps are full as Easter weekend travelers fuel up on their way home. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) As is my normal behavior, I checked my fuel gauge on Thursday morning, as I headed in to the office. My reserve light was on, but the car 's trip computer showed I could still to 160 km on what was in the tank. I decided, that since it's the day before the Easter weekend , I could end up in heavy traffic and then my car consumes fuel at an alarming rate. So I pulled in to the filling station on my way to work. As I've done, every ten days for the past six and a half years, I asked for them to fill up with diesel. Being the optimizer I am, I put my card in my pocket and as the petrol pump attendant went through his spiel about checking water and oil, I took it out of the shirt pocket. I then realized I took the credit card and not t...

Manta ray breached

This is the first time I've seen a manta ray breaching. Nature channels are full of whales, dolphins and sharks, to name just a few, but never the devil fish!

Rich Dad, Poor Dad....

Are you changing your thinking? You know it's the hardest task of all to do. Changing yourself, your misconceptions, fears and self doubts... Go out today and make it happen. More of Robert at

Next time you have a bad hair day, be glad...

I'm having a bad feather day!

Just had to blog this... Daihatsu Charade (A Reader's Test)

The Review below was submitted by a reader of a local car magazine...   Reader's test: Daihatsu Charade 2013-03-06 09:15 Pin It PERFECT CITY RUNABOUT: Wheels24 extends a hat-tip to RICHARD FITZPATRICK for his hilarious review of his wife’s Daihatsu Charade. Author: RICHARD FITZPATRICK OK, I'm the first to admit that this car has all the sex appeal of Matron from 7de Laan but ,as they say, don't judge a Khoi-San by the size of his loin cloth, it's what's underneath that matters. Underneath the Daihatsu Charade 1.0 CXL we have strong Toyota DNA which of course means that nothing has gone wrong in seven years. It also means that you have more hard and cheap plastics than Toys R Us. That's fine, this is budget motoring so you get what you pay for. So what do you get for your money? Aircon, radio, auto transmission, power windows and steering, not bad for a car that would cost you R50 000 or so second-hand. NO RESPECT ON THE ROAD ...